Gila Gladiators

0. Reactivated

Alright. This is how everything started with the Gila Gladiators, learn their history and their enemies. Enjoy.

{cut to a busy city street. All nine of the Gila Gladiators are standing there, looking hostile towards each other.}
Brick: No No NO! This isn't how it's supposed to
Metalboy: Who are you to know what's to happen? Face it, Brick, this was meant to be...
{Everyone moves in on Brick, Jeremy, and Shift, preparing their weapons. Suddenly, a huge explosion from the right of the screen comes by.}
????: Finally, I have arrived! Finish them off, minions!
{The screen goes gray. It turns into a big blank screen with the words "EARLIER THAT DAY" there.}
{cut to inside what appears to be an old cave. There is technology scattered everywhere. Jeremy, who is Dyna Man, and Shift, who is Volt Man, are working on what appears to be Bit Man..}
Jeremy: Okay, Shift, on three, you'll work some wonder up.
Shift: Got it.
Jeremy: One...two...THREE!
{Sparks come from Shift's hands, as he attempts to power up Bit Man}
Shift: That last energy surge should've done it.
Brick: {walks in} By the looks of it, it did.
{In an instant, the eyes open on Bit Man's face and
his lights light up. He looks around the room.}
Bit Man: Wha...where am I?
Brick: You're in Gladiator Caves. Welcome back to life, Bit Man.
Jeremy: Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Jeremy, also known as Dyna Man. I operate the defensive programs here.
Shift: I am Volt Man, but you can call me Shift. I help with the power around this dump.
Brick: And I am Brick, otherwise known as Sonic Man. I am the leader of our crack team, and we would like you our join. Do you have any specified name?
Bit Man: I was called Soul.
Crorq: {walks in} Ah, excellent, Master Soul!
Soul: Agh! {startled} What is that?
Crorq: I am Crorq, the central computer and butler.
Jeremy: Don't worry, you'll get used to him, like you'll get used to the rest of us.
Soul: Rest of us? There's more?
Brick: Yeah - what kind of a team only has four
Soul: Fantastic Four?
Shift: ...and all of their members have probably all died at least once! But a team like this requires a larger number than four to help maintain it - that's why all ten of us are part of it!
Soul: There's five more?
Brick: Follow me, I'll introduce you to all of them.
{in another room, the other team members are standing there, looking bored.}
Shark Man: Oh, GREAT! Another new guy?
Oil Man: Crap, now I have a roommate!
Jeremy: Everyone, everyone, we'd like to introduce you to a new member of our team! This here is Soul, or Bit Man. He is the generator operator.
Jade: {walks over to Soul} Hey Soul. I'm Jade, the resident Wave Man and handler of the water supply! Nice to see you around!
Soul: Uhh...likewise.
Metalboy: Heya, Soul. I'm Metalboy, the guy in charge of handling our money! Looks like we're gonna be roommates!
Soul: I call top-bunk then!
Metalboy: Crap.
Tristin: Well, since everyone else is doing it...hi. M'names Tristin, but you can call me "Cooler Than Thou." I'm Shark Man, who does something or other around here. {whispering} If ya want any crack, just ask me...
Soul: Yeah, thanks, I don't smoke.
Tristin: Whoo, that's good! We had to kick out our old butler because of it!
{Suddenly, Blade Man(GameMaster) jumps behind Soul stealthily and taps his shoulder.}
GameMaster: Relax, relax! It's just me, GameMaster, the local ninja and weapons master around here. Do you like my sword?
Soul: Sure.
GameMaster: Well you can't have it because she's all mine!
Brick: Well, that's everybody.
Shift: Everybody except for Mr. Deactivated over there{he points to Torch Man}.
Brick: Oh, yeah, except for him. As hard as we try, we can never get that guy running. It’s a lost-cause.
{As everyone starts walking away, Soul stares there and looks at the deactivated Torch Man. He walks up to it and starts fiddling around, and Torch Man's lights soon enough turn on.}
Soul: {yelling} Guys, come here, I think he's activated again!
{everyone runs in}
Tristin: Huh? What's going on?
Jeremy: What's all this about? His lights aren't even on!
{Soul looks at Torch Man and his lights are not on.}
Soul: Huh… guess I was seeing things.
{Everyone walks out....}
{..into the hall.}
Jade: {talking to Soul} So then Tristin goes "But they keep on melti-"{he stops and points ahead.}
Soul: Uhh...Jade? What's wrong?
Jade: Look... over there.
{The camera panels to the left, revealing Lord Zaneroth, the Torch Man, standing there.}
Lord Zaneroth: Uh...hey.
'... ... ...'
GameMaster: Dude, robots don't have ghosts! They have living on holograms!
Shift: What did you call me?
Lord Zaneroth: Everybody, everybody, relax! I'm Lord Zaneroth, your new Torch Man!
Tristin: Dangit, I wanted the pool room to myself!
Brick: Welcome to the team, Zaneroth. I'm Brick,
that's Jeremy, he's Shift, those two are Tristin and Jade, that's Soul, and those two are Metalboy and GameMaster. We also have a robotic butler named Crorq.
Lord Zaneroth: Who's the guy in the pink again?
GameMaster: It isn't PINK!
Jade: {holding him back} He gets like this if you insult his costume! Run as fast as you can!
{everyone runs but Jade, GameMaster, and LZ.}
Lord Zaneroth: Wow. That's pathetic. {walks away.}
{cut to a large Wily Fortress(a different one from the one in the games). There are barrier walls surrounding the main building, but they are broken down in some places. Robot junk is scattered everywhere. The large tower that comes up off of the base has tons of windows broken. The skull fell off of the top of the large tower and landed on the base building, sideways.}
{Up at the very top, there is a large room with technology scattered everywhere, some of it broken, some of it not. A man in a seat is watching the previous events on cracked televisions.}
????: So they are all activated...things are going along well...
{A Protoman look-alike walks next to the seat. He is wearing all black, and has a red scarf.}
Dark Protoman: Sir, we have received contact from you-know who in Antarctica...
????: Excellent. And has JOE Corp. responded?
Dark Protoman: Yes, sir, they have.
????: Dark Protoman....
Dark Protoman: Yes, sir?
????: Get me my staff, if you would. We're going for a little walk today. I also have a mission for you and my other three elites. Round them up.
Dark Protoman: Yes sir.
{cut back to Gladiators Caves. Soul and Jeremy are talking in the hallway.}
Jeremy: just don't mention that to him and you'll be okay.
Soul: Alright, anything else you wanted me to know?
Jeremy: Well, there is one more th-
Jade: {voice} Hey, Jeremy, can you come here for a second?
Jeremy: Ugh. Be back in a sec.{walks away.}
Soul: {starts whistling to him himself.}
{Dark Protoman suddenly appears in the shadows nearby. He slowly approaches towards Soul who does not notice him. He takes a little chip out his pocket and starts rewiring Soul's system(Soul cannot move when being rewired.}. In a few seconds, Dark Protoman disappears.}
Jeremy: {running back} Sorry about that. Jade just said that I could go or something after that. Anyways, what were we talking about.
Soul: Oh, I don't know...
{the two walk away}
{Cut to the Labs. Brick is working on something and Metalboy is helping him out.}
Brick: Can you just move that wire right there?
Metalboy: {fiddling with the wires} That should do it.
Brick: Now, for the next step. I'll go get some of my tools.{walks away)
{As Metalboy waits for Brick to return, a purple X(not iX, Xi) sneaks out form behind the machinery and does the same thing to Metalboy that DP did to Soul. He then disappears.}
Brick: {returning} Alright, I'm back, and...hey, are
you alright? You don't look too fine.
Metalboy: Yeah, yeah...I'm fine...
{cut to a vault room. GameMaster is inside of the vault, babbling stuff like "not pink" as Tristin guards the vault.}
{Suddenly, Tristin's shadow comes alive and enters the vault. A few seconds later...}
Tristin: Okay, he should be good by now.
{Tristin opens the door. A second later, the shadow grabs him and forces him in as he screams.}
{Shift is walking in a nearby hall.}
Crorq: {running up to him} Master Shift, Master Shift! Master Zaneroth has been acting strange as of late...
Shift: Eh, he's probably in shock.
Crorq: Everyone else has been acting like that too! I fear the worst!
Shift: Robots like us tend to get weird sometimes, Crorq!
Crorq: Well...if you say so...
{An explosion is heard}
Shift: What was that?
Brick: {running towards Shift, coughing} Shift, Shift! Metalboy just blew up the CT!
Jeremy: {running too} And you can't guess what the others are doing! Soul and Jade tried attacking me! Blade and Tristin jumped me and took my explosives! And Zaneroth set the Dining Room on fire!
Shift: Crorq, you were right!
Crorq: I told you!
Brick: Listen, men! They all headed towards the city! We have to stop them!
{Cut to the city street shown at the beginning. Brick, Jeremy, and Shift are all looking around.}
Jeremy: Well, I have nothing.
Shift: Ditto.
Brick: This is bad, this is bad....
{Suddenly, all of the other six jump down and circle the three.}
GameMaster: You're right, it's bad!
Soul: Bad for you, anyways.
Shift: Why are you doing this?
Jade: We've been taken over by master. The Master reprogrammed us for the better.
Metalboy: We are not you three's little slaves!
Lord Zaneroth: We were intending to be good back there, but now, evil is the way to go!
Tristin: And the first thing on our agenda is to kill you!
Brick: No No NO! This isn't how it's supposed to happen!
Metalboy: Who are you to know what's to happen? Face it, Brick, this was meant to be...
{everyone moves in on Brick, Jeremy, and Shift, preparing their weapons. Suddenly, a huge explosion from the right of the screen comes by.}
????: Finally, I have arrived! Finish them off, minions!
{Four of the voices minions(DP, Xi, Shadow, and a glitchy looking wily robot) circle the ones who are circling the three.}
YL-33: {the robot} I call dibs on the red one!
Shadow: Sir, do you want us to kill the others as well?
????: Yes. The pawns must die, too.
Soul: What was that, Master?
Jade: Yes, what do you mean?
????: You are all useless to me. If you are good or evil, regardless, you are still an inferior Robot Master.
Jeremy: {whispering} Okay, I think we can stop them. One...two...THREE!
{Jeremy jumps forward and steals back his explosives. He tosses some to Brick and Shift.}
{Brick jumps behind Soul and Metalboy and takes off their back parts, revealing the wiring system. Jeremy does this with everyone else.}
{Shift then powers up everyone so hey are evil no long.}
Soul: Ugh...what happened?
????: You fools! You could have stopped them! Now we have nine of those fools to destroy!
Brick: We are not fools!
Jeremy: We answer to no one!
Shift: You can take control of our friends...
Jade: You can make our friends on the opposite side...
Metalboy: And you can even make us try to kill our friends...
GameMaster: But whatever you do....
Tristin: You do not..
Lord Zaneroth: us...
Soul: FOOLS!
Brick: For we are...THE GILA GLADIATORS!
???: Alright, Gladiators...prepare to meet your match, for I am...KING 2.0!
{King 2.0 jumps forward, revealing what he looks like.}
Soul: Bring it.
{The battle starts. Brick, Jeremy, and Shift are all trying to defeat King 2.0. Soul is fighting DP along with the help of Jade, Metalboy and LZ are fighting Xi, and both Tristin and GameMaster are fighting Shadow and YL-33.}
{Suddenly, King 2.0 picks up his giant scepter thing and stabs Shift's arm off.}
Jeremy: SHIFT!
Jade: What happened?
GameMaster: The monster cut Shift's arm off!
King 2.0: This will be easy. One of your own is already dead!
Shift: Not...quite...
{Missing an arm, Shift manages to channel all of his energy together and using his other arm he blasts the five with a shock of electricity so big that it sends them flying. All of his lights then turn off.}
{Everyone then just looks at Shift sadly.}
{cut to Brick lecturing the new Volt Man}
Brick: And that, Darcemeus, is how we formed, and how we lost the old Volt Man. We renamed the caves Shift Caverns in honor of him.
Darcemeus: But...what about King 2.0?
Brick: King 2.0 is probably lying dead somewhere. Don't worry about him.
Darcemeus: But what if he isn't?
Brick: Hey, we're the Gila Gladiators - we can take care of it.
{the words THE END come up}
{cut to a desert area. There is a big pile of rocks and sand in the middle of the wasteland. All of a sudden, a golden hand pops out of the rubble.....}

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Gila Gladiators is purely for fun and is not meant to infringe on copyrights in any way, shape or form. Mega Man 3 PC copyright Hi-tech Expressions (is that spelled right?). Mega Man copyright Capcom. All other material is copyrighted to its respective owner(s).