Gila Gladiators

Torch Man's Profile

Robot Master Name:Torchman
Weapon: Torch Arm
Weakness: Water Shooter
Real Name: Lord Christopher Zaneroth
Robot Master Number: CRN009
Gender: Male
Eyes: Glowing crimson
Hair: N/A
Goals: World domination, escalating his magical talents, extending his influence.
Favorite Mega Man Games: MM Zero series.
Background: "Zaneroth", before he was known as such, was born in the service of a powerful wizard, as such his youth was spent studying magics and preparing himself for the Crusades. When his time of service came he helped put an end to that bloody war, and returned to his mentor only to find him deceased. He was later charged with guardianship of the Temple of the Magi, and he devoted himself to more study along with several other peers. As the ages slipped and he watched the world from afar, his view of the world turned to contempt. He dominated his peer group and memorized every spell in that library. He also gained eternal life at the cost of his humanity, which he happily cast aside. He renamed himself Lord Christopher Zaneroth, and began to manipulate events from the shadows, including the American Revolution, The French Revolution, both World Wars, and many, many more. His plans are still shady at best, and has amassed a gigantic undead legion, along with arcane abilities surpassing any mortal being. His boredom has forced him to find other activities, however, and has fused the Robot Master known as Torchman with his own blood, giving him the ability to control Torch as if it was his own body.


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Gila Gladiators is purely for fun and is not meant to infringe on copyrights in any way, shape or form. Mega Man 3 PC copyright Hi-tech Expressions (is that spelled right?). Mega Man copyright Capcom. All other material is copyrighted to its respective owner(s).