Gila Gladiators

Blade Man's Profile


Robot Master: Blademan.
Real Name: Zerkai Wily.
Sex: Male.
Eye Color: Grey.
Hair Color: Dark Blonde.
Special Weapon: Blade Launcher.
Weakness: Bit Cannon.
Model: CRN008.
Likes: Reading, Writing, Drawing, Music, and Plushies.
Dislikes: Bullies, and people that don't have a Zombie plan.

Goal: To collect all MM Plushies


Bio: Not much is known about his past, as it seems he finds it uncomfortable talking about it.  He played a a ghost, always aware of the going ons in the city and the teams, but kept silent and quiet. He hasn't told his team members about his surname and who he's related too, but knows all about the blueprints of most of the robot masters and has modifyied his weapons and armor himself.



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Gila Gladiators is purely for fun and is not meant to infringe on copyrights in any way, shape or form. Mega Man 3 PC copyright Hi-tech Expressions (is that spelled right?). Mega Man copyright Capcom. All other material is copyrighted to its respective owner(s).